Where to Advertise Self Storage Units Online
One of the questions self storage marketers ask us most often is where they should be advertising their units online. Self storage units should be advertised at each stage of the marketing funnel, on various channels, leading to the action of reserving a unit. Using digital advertising, you can drive demand for your storage units at each stage of the marketing funnel and convert more qualified leads. Use branded and strategic display, remarketing, and social advertising to get noticed and lease more units.
Get in Front of the Best Prospects
The buyer’s journey isn’t a straight line. Today, consumers consult upwards of 20 digital touchpoints before making a purchase decision. Digital advertising helps you show up throughout the buyer’s journey and guide renters to your storage units when they are ready to lease. Start at the wide mouth of the sales funnel with awareness, followed by interest, decision and action at the bottom. The most successful companies can also add loyalty and advocacy at the bottom of the funnel.
Social and Display Ads
Billions of people use Facebook, the world’s largest social network, to interact with family, friends, and brands. Your customers spend their time on Facebook and other social media platforms, which means you need to be there too. Your self storage company can promote available storage units and brand through social advertising, which appears throughout the networking site. Facebook advertising offers highly targeted campaigns allowing self storage marketers to advertise to specific demographics, interests, locations, and life events.
Social and display ads help you deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. The targeting functionality on Facebook and Google Ads is one of the biggest draws for businesses. Social and display ads work best at the top of the sales funnel. These types of ads help create awareness and interest in your brand. This awareness will come into play further down the sales funnel when generating interest and influencing the decision-making process.
Search and Dynamic Ads
Pay-per-click ads in organic search results work for prospects in the middle of the sales funnel. These prospects may already be aware of your brand because of your social and display ads. Advertising in search results allows you to target people in your geographic area who are specifically searching for storage units. On mobile devices, where more than half of searches start, ads on search engines like Google and Bing, take over the entire screen. This allows you to target audiences in a big way.
We offer a service called G5 Dynamic Ads with Real-Time Pricing, which ensures the traffic coming from clicks to these ads is more qualified. Users have already agreed to the price in principle just by clicking on the ad, which leads to prospects who are more ready to buy.
Remarketing Ads
Using remarketing ads at the bottom of the sales funnel helps guide users to action. Remarketing is a mechanism that allows you to position ads in front of people who have visited your website as they browse the Internet. The goal of remarketing ads is to keep your brand visible even as their online activity changes. You may have seen ads for that new camera you want following you around the Internet, from website to website and in your social media feeds. Remarketing ads increase return visits to your site and the likelihood they’ll commit to a rental.
If a prospect leaves your website without converting, remarketing ads bring people back. Use remarketing ads to stay top of mind and help users remember your brand when making their final purchase decision at the bottom of the sales funnel.
Use Digital Advertising to Promote Your Storage Units
Digital advertising at each stage of the sales funnel helps you promote your storage units and connect with your best prospects, even when they aren’t actively searching. Use paid social and display ads to increase brand awareness and generate interest. Paid search ads, including G5 Dynamic Ads with Real-Time Pricing, help you pre-qualify leads to your website. If a prospect leaves before converting, remarketing ads drive them back when they are ready to rent a storage unit.
Download G5’s infographic, Drive Demand with Digital Advertising, to learn more.
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We will be in contact soon and look forward to learning more about you and your company. Based on your marketing challenges, we’ll discuss increasing visibility into your analytics and how to generate more and better leads so you can achieve your marketing goals.
In the meantime, we invite you to check out our checklist on website accessibility. Use this checklist to start assessing the baseline accessibility of your website.
Enjoy! We’ll be in touch very soon.