The G5 MarTech Series: Digital Trends in Senior Living

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Personally and professionally, we’re navigating new information, science, best-practices, restrictions, re-openings, and vaccination roll outs. This quantity of change demands agility. For athletes, agility is something they practice in drills. Perhaps you remember running lines in P.E.? Running as fast as you can in one direction, then pivoting and sprinting in the opposite direction. Exercises like this promote athletic agility.

Seniors and their loved ones have shouldered a heavy weight because of the health crisis. We know that when you’re weighed down, it’s hard to transition quickly. You might not be sprinting across the office — or even going into an office — in order to improve your marketing agility. But, with everything going on, your sales and marketing team learned to change tactics and align with the current environment.

The good news is, the agility your team developed over the last year will come in handy to keep up with digital marketing trends like aligning your online presence for voice search optimization, staying up-to-date on tried-and-true marketing tactics like your Google My Business listing, or anticipating changes in data privacy and the social media space.

Elevate your marketing agility to better serve your residents and future residents.

Download the G5 MarTech Series, Part 2: Digital Trends in Senior Living today.

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